Sunday, 18 November 2012


 It's almost done, the year I mean. I get asked a lot why I don't fish more in November and December and the answer is simple. I don't like too and I don't have too. My tournament season starts in January actually next year it starts this December 31st and it ends around the first week of November. I'm beat and the crazy thing is I can't rest. There's so much to do around the house after 10 months of doing nothing. I owe it to my wife and kids to spend the time I have getting the house and the yards back in order for the next year. This year was a basement reno. We finished the basement so the kids would have a play room and I could finally move the office of TFB off my dinning table and into an area in the basement. It's important to me to have my "homework" as I call it done. That way when I'm on the water my head is clear and there are no calls from home with lists of stuff that's broken or needs replacing. A clear head so important out there, especially when you can't find them.

 So get your homework done and you won't have an issue when you tell her your going fishing.

 Take Care and Tight Lines.

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